1.problem solution
Many countries around the world suffer a big problem about human right, this situation increases day by day in the population, many people try to fight about our right but the political system is really strong. This problem affects directly in the developing of the population for different reasons for example: in India the violation of human right are too much, the big problem is a status class because in this country the poor people don't have access for different rights for example: education, torture,freedom of expression. Since years ago this problem stayed present in the India's population, the problem can be the government because in this day the politicians only think in common benefits and never thinking in the population, so many students are forced to work in a young age and dropout of the school for different reasons. All people want to change this situation but, the beginning is in the critical thinking of the people, when you want to obtain your dream, you fight for it day by day because you write your own future. Many countries have problems and India isn’t and exception, many human rights are violated, we need to start to change the world, the first step is to fight for your rights.
2. Human Rights
I think everybody who lived in India was wronged."Why do I say Indian were wronged?" because I have some reasons to say:
At first time, India's government would not allow any private organizations to get into the school activities because they discriminate within the caste of system. When they get water form the well, they still have to wait for the higher caste to get water before.
Second, Indians were sexually discriminated. Madurai, a girl whom in the video says" When she goes home, she have to do home work and do something, but her's brother does not work because the boy in India have a value and support from their family".
Last, I think Indians did not understand about the benefits of human rights. Almost all of people are listless or do not know about human right. When they have a problem, they always find an organization or law to solve it for them.
3. why were they victimized/wronged?
Origins of the caste system in India and Nepal are shrouded, but it seems to have originated more than two thousand years ago. Under this system, which is associated with Hinduism, people were categorized by their occupations. Although originally caste depended upon a person's work, it soon became hereditary. Each person was born into a unalterable social status. Because it makes monsters out of ordinary people, all the while assuring them that they are actually better than ordinary, they are special. It consists of transport and communications, energy, finance, housing and insurance, science and technology, health and education. Caste system in India is not a new concept in India, it is coming down the lines from so many generations and its root is deeply situated in the genes of the Indians. This caste system and the discrimination cannot be changed just by giving some intellectual logic or explanation, but has to be worked out on individual level. And this shows how Many crimes against untouchables are recorded and discrimination against them is still going on. Many Dalits were shot dead and the Dalit women are being assaulted. Recently there was a news story where Dalit pregnant women died in government hospital just because she couldn’t pay the hospital bill. This is happening every day because of society. And the modern media tries to hide the world ACCOUNTABILITY in its talk, but what how far it is true. If we talk about this, the common people start thinking how old the thinking we are holding. But there is harsh reality how can we try to do so many patching up. That is why I'm going to show that some bad things are still happening.
• The Dalits are considered Are considered impure from birth.
• Untouchables perform jobs that are traditionally considered "unclean" or exceedingly menial, and for very little pay.
• One million Dalits work as manual scavengers, cleaning latrines and sewers by hand and clearing away dead animals.
• Millions more are agricultural workers trapped in an inescapable cycle of extreme poverty, illiteracy, and oppression.
In order to stop these caste violence there were so many steps taken by the government.The Indian Constitution has formally abolished castes in 1950.
- Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth
- Abolition of untouchability
- Protection of interests of minorities
- Promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections,
This clearly bans the discriminatory nature of caste forbidding any discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth and provides for proper protection against caste-based discrimination.

- Human rights are rights inherent to all people in the world, regardless of sex, color, religion, place of resident, or other status.
- Education is powerful tool to promote and protect human rights.
- Without education we can't know and understand our human rights.